Звезда Сверхъестественного попал под обстрел во время беспорядков в США

Актер Кендрик Сэмпсон попал под резиновые пули и получил несколько ударов дубинками

Звезда Сверхъестественного попал под обстрел во время беспорядков в США
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Популярный американский актер Кендрик Сэмпсон, известный по роли в сериалах Сверхъестественное и Как избежать наказания за убийство, пострадал во время беспорядков в США. В своем Instagram он опубликовал видео с демонстраций в Лос-Анджелесе, в которых он принимал участие 30-го мая.

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Как сообщает издание Deadline, Сэмпсон получил несколько ударов дубинкой в ходе разгона толпы лос-анджелесскими полицейскими. Кроме этого, в него попало семь резиновых пуль, которыми стреляли в участников протеста.


This is the clearest video I could find! You can see on my IG live they started beating my assistant, Mario (who showed up to stand with me - after I told him to go home ✊🏽) in the white shirt to my right. Then in this video, look closely, you can see them shoot him by ricocheting a rubber bullet off the ground then you can see me, process that shit, step in front of him and you can see several of them hit me multiple times with batons, then an officer aims straight at me, no ricochet, and shoots. And hits. That was one of 7 shots I took. They are excruciating. And they CAN kill. Go to my twitter, or my IG lives I have saved to my feed - you can see them beating, agitating and brutalizing several unarmed protesters after they started the aggression. Then you can see WOMEN, non-Black true ACCOMPLICES in the struggle- not allies - step in front to try to protect and deescalate. ✊🏽Unfortunately, they beat them with batons too. @mattmcgorry got hit. @jenniferlepps from @cpdaction got hit! THIS IS WHAT THEY DO. They were DESIGNED and FOUNDED for this. @ericgarcetti you are a TRASH ASS MAYOR for encouraging this in your city and unwaveringly standing with them. #DEFUNDPOLICE #ProsecuteKillerCops #ProsecuteKillerKKKops

Публикация от Kendrick Sampson (@kendrick38)

"Я уже получил травму, и меня ударили дубинкой", - признался сам актер, подчеркнув, что протестующие вышли на улицы без оружия. Он также показал несколько снимков с ранениями (листать вправо).


Before you swipe - If you’re squeamish - warning - these are SOME my wounds up close. The most obvious are from rubber bullets. They look gross but I was blessed to be shot directly from close range and not have much worse, ive posted some in my stories. These things HURT and are DANGEROUS. The dude was aiming for folks HEADS. Rubber bullets have killed folks and can cause permanent damage, brain damage, concussions etc. Swipe further to see some of the officers. I can see some of their names but their badge numbers were on the back of their helmets. Purposeful. ONE OF them removed his name. Others obscured theirs. I need the names and badge numbers. DM them and any other proof to @alwaysbewright Let’s do this. And together let’s end this legacy of slave catching and #DefundPolice #DefendBlackLife (check out @mvmnt4blklives nationwide campaign for US ✊🏽)

Публикация от Kendrick Sampson (@kendrick38)

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